Jordani Sarreal

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clock icon February 28, 2023 user icon Jordani Sarreal

Fun Spring STEM Science Projects for 1st Graders

Spring is just around the corner, which makes it the perfect time to explore fun new science projects with your first grade class! Here’s a list of engaging STEM activities to try this spring. As winter thaws, spring blossoms with new ways to explore the natural wonders outside the classroom.

clock icon January 31, 2023 user icon Jordani Sarreal

STEM for Middle Schoolers: A Guide for Teaching STEM at Middle School

How to inspire confident STEM learners, engage middle school students in hands-on learning activities, and other resources for middle school STEM teachers. The middle school years mark the transition from elementary school to high school. In these few formative years, students transition from a single teacher to multiple teachers, from general studies to more focused subjects, and from a class of peers to multiple classes with numerous peers.

clock icon January 15, 2023 user icon Jordani Sarreal

STEM for Classrooms: Building a Culture of Curiosity

The classroom provides a safe space to explore STEM concepts and build STEM identity. Here’s a guide on how to bring STEM to your classroom. While there are many things to celebrate in the latest advancements in STEM education, STEM is still as important as ever in our classrooms.

clock icon December 15, 2022 user icon Jordani Sarreal

STEM Classroom Kits: Joining Convergent and Divergent Learning

What is the difference between STEM kits for home use and STEM kits designed for the classroom? Learn all about classroom STEM kits and how to bring them to your students. STEM awareness has grown in recent years, which is awesome news for expanding STEM education and closing the equity gap in access to STEM education.

clock icon December 10, 2022 user icon Jordani Sarreal

STEM Science Kits for Elementary and Middle School Classrooms

Explore NGSS-aligned STEM science kits designed for the classroomSTEM science kits further enhance the eye-opening experience of learning STEM in the classroom. Covering numerous science topics from the basic building blocks of engineering to complex mechanics, physics, and robotics, STEM science kits for the classroom provide a single-source solution for educators and administrators alike.

clock icon November 20, 2022 user icon Jordani Sarreal

Robotics STEM Kits for the Classroom

Robotics STEM Kits are a great way to engage students in hands-on and applied-learning activities. Here’s how to introduce Kid Spark’s Robotics STEM Lessons to Classrooms from 2nd Grade and Beyond. Robots have always been a fascination to young minds.

clock icon October 27, 2022 user icon Jordani Sarreal

STEM Curriculum for Kindergarten

How to incorporate STEM education into Kindergarten Curriculum. An early start to STEM education is essential for developing the foundations of STEM fluency, which includes: 1) The ability to think critically and logically. 2) The ability to solve problems creatively. 3) The confidence to engage with the world fearlessly.

clock icon October 14, 2022 user icon Jordani Sarreal

How to Find the Right STEM Maker Kit for Your Classroom

Choosing a cost-effective hands-on STEM program that fits your classroom’s needs and continues to challenge students is difficult. Here are some tips on how to find a STEM Maker Kit that inspires your students throughout the school year. STEM education is best incorporated as both a convergent and divergent learning experience for students.

clock icon September 15, 2022 user icon Jordani Sarreal

STEM Enrichment: A Guide for Administrators

How to fit STEM enrichment curriculum into your school in additional to your core classroom curriculum. As a school administrator, you recognize the importance of early exposure and consistent education in the subjects of STEM. Even so, you might still be wondering, “How am I going to fit STEM curriculum into an already packed day?”

clock icon September 2, 2022 user icon Jordani Sarreal

A Guide to EANS Funding in 2022

In 2021, the second round of Emergency Assistance to Non-Public Schools (EANS) was issued through the American Rescue Plan Act with a total of $2.75 billion in additional funding. Some of these funds are still available and can be used for enriching curriculum with STEM education programs like Kid Spark’s pre-K–8 STEM learning labs.

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Go beyond the buzzword with Kid Spark.

At Kid Spark Education, STEM isn't a buzzword: it's a powerful way to nurture students' natural curiosity; build confidence and skills in science, technology, engineering, and math; and foster abilities in collaboration, problem-solving, and communication. You, their teachers, are our most important partner in achieving our mission of preparing all children for a lifetime of learning about science and technology. The Kid Spark Blog is written by educators, for educators to be a resource in your toolbox so you can feel confident and capable in teaching STEM to your elementary students. 

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